Childline by ISPCC Online Shop

Irish Life Dublin Marathon 2023

Irish Life Dublin Marathon 2023 Full Payment

Regular price €1.500,00
Tax included.
Irish Life Dublin Marathon 2023 Full Payment

Irish Life Dublin Marathon 2023

Join Team Childline for the 2023 Irish Life Dublin Marathon taking place on Sunday 29th October 2023 and show your support for children and families across Ireland

We raise up to 75% of our overall income through generous supporters like you. Now, more than ever, your fundraising is vital, and we sincerely thank you for taking the time to support. 

Childline by ISPCC is here for any child, and we want every child to know that.

Childline is available at any time, 24/7, it’s the largest children’s support service available. We are always on, always here, whenever a child needs to get in touch, and however they find that safest and easiest. We’re here to listen first, as that’s often what children need first, someone they can trust and talk to. And where we can, we aim to help them cope better, for them to be more resilient in their future life. Children need to be heard and believed. They need to know they matter. And they need to know and be encouraged that they can get through and will have support. That’s what it takes to build resilience, so they can cope better next time. And that’s where our other services come in.

We’re here, whatever’s on their mind, the problem or adversity they are facing, whatever is worrying them

No experience is necessary, but a lot of training and preparation may be required.

Over 18’s only / no experience necessary. Places are limited; Fundraising Target: €1,500 (incl. €250 non-refundable deposit) is required of all participants. All proceeds raised will go directly to supporting Childline's range of services to children and families.